Triangle.js Tetra Channel API

This is the documentation for the subsection of Triangle.js that interacts with the public api. For the full documentation, see the main README.

import { ch } from "@haelp/teto";


// only load the required channel api module
import { ch } from "@haelp/teto/ch";
const id = ch.getSessionID();

There are 4 different types of requests that the api can make. Here is an explanation of each one:

These send no data to the server. Example:

const res = await ch.general.stats();

These send data in the form of arugments in the request uri. Example:

// This sends a request to
const res = await ch.users.get("halp");


const res = await ch.users.get({ user: halp });

These send data in the form of query parameters. Example:

// This sends a request to
const res = await{ limit: 100 });

These send data in the form of query parameters and arguments in the request uri. Example:

// This sends a request to
const res = await ch.users.leaderboard("xp", { limit: 100 });

Because the Tetra Channel API does not have cors enabled, you need to proxy requests coming from a browser. This is an example express route that proxies requests to the server:

app.get("/api/ch-proxy/*", async (req, res) => {
const url = req.url.replace("/api/ch-proxy", "");
const response = await fetch(`${url}`, {
headers: {
"X-Session-ID": req.headers["x-session-id"]!
const json = await response.json();

You can then set the 'host' setting on the client to your proxy:

ch.setConfig({ host: "/api/ch-proxy/" });

View the official docs for more information on the api.